Terms of Use for en-y2mate.net
Our Terms of Service pertain to the website https://en-y2mate.net, as well as all affiliated sites linked globally. By accessing this site, you are agreeing to comply with these terms.

Videos and any related services are intended for personal use only. Any form of commercial use of https://en-y2mate.net is strictly prohibited and will result in legal action. We do not have control over third-party websites linked to our site, and therefore we are not accountable for the content of these links. While we conduct checks on external links beforehand, we cannot guarantee continuous monitoring of third-party sites. If we discover any infringement by a linked website, we will promptly remove the link.

Downloading copyrighted online content from https://en-y2mate.net is not permitted unless authorized by the original video owner. We are not liable for assisting users in obtaining licenses from owners. Additionally, our trademarks may not be used as part of any business name, trading style, or domain name at any time.